UPI Payment charges of merchants MDR

HDFC Bank notification regarding new UPI merchant rates MDR charges

As per NPCI OC circular No. 202/2024-25, effective 16th October 2024 there will be MDR charged on Unified Payments Interface (UPI) transactions which are initiated by customer via linked Credit-line account.

Rate of MDR will be charged as follows, basis MCC ( Merchant Category Code) allocated basis nature of business of the merchant.

1. For Non industry Segment: 1.3%
2. For Industry Segment: Please refer below table.

MCC Description MDR Rates
8244 Business and secretarial schools 0.8%
1750 Carpentry contractors 1.2%
7349 Cleaning, maintenance, and janitorial services 0.8%
8220 Colleges, universities, professional schools and junior colleges 0.8%
1771 Concrete work contractors 1.2%
8241 Correspondence schools 0.8%
9211 Court costs, including alimony and child support 0.8%
5960 Direct marketing insurance services 0.8%
1731 Electrical contractors 1.2%
8211 Elementary and secondary schools 0.8%
5814 Fast food restaurants 1.2%
9222 Fines 0.8%
5541 Service Station 0.9%
5542 Automated Fuel Dispensers 0.9%
5983 Fuel Dealers 0.9%
1520 General contractors residential and commercial 1.2%
9399 Government services not elsewhere classified 0.8%
5411 Groceries 1.2%
1711 Heating, plumbing and air-conditioning contractors 1.2%
6300 Insurance sales, underwriting and premiums 0.8%
9405 Intra Government Transactions 0.8%
5261 Lawn and garden supply outlets, including nurseries 0.8%
4111 Local and suburban commuter passenger transportation, including ferries 0.8%
1740 Masonry, stonework, tile setting, plastering and insulation contractors 1.2%
5499 Miscellaneous food shops convenience and speciality retail outlets 1.2%
763 Agricultural Cooperative 0.8%
780 Horticulture and Landscaping Service 0.8%
820 Fertilizer dealers 0.8%
821 Pesticides / Insecticides 0.8%
822 Seeds 0.8%
823 Farm Equipment 0.8%
824 Agricultural Machinery 0.8%
825 Other Agri Inputs 0.8%
9402 Postal services government only 0.8%
4112 Railways 0.8%
6529 Remote Stored Value Load – Member Financial Institution 0.6%
1761 Roofing, siding and sheet metal work contractors 1.2%
1799 Special trade contractors not elsewhere classified 1.2%
9311 Tax payments 0.8%
4784 Tolls and bridge fees 0.8%
8249 Trade and vocational schools 0.8%
4789 Transportation services not elsewhere classified 0.8%
4900 Utilities electric, gas, water and sanitary 0.8%

1 Comment

  1. mariya

    big mdr charges not affordable to shop owners

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